08-25-2002, 10:33 PM
The sight was...well there was no sight. The placed was filled dust and sand from the landmines popping my men one by one until me and Private Pee Wee was left all by ourselfs. Suddenly I heard the distinct sound of German speaking.
"Wus iz da Kapatin?"
"Achtung! LOs Los Los!!!"
Me and pee wee hid behind this huge pile of sand wondering what they were saying.
" werfen Sie Ihre Granaten"
Then total silence filled the atmosphere apart from the artillery pounding the beaches and MG-42s firing.
For a second I though the huns were gone but a grenade landed right before our eyes.
My eyes opened wide and I screamed "Take cover!!!" I knew I was gonna die......
Right then Pee Wee jumped and took the grenade and threw it back.
I heard a whisper "Schenide....."
I peeped over the pile of sand and saw a pile of gore and a dead german body. It seemed the grenade exploded in such a way that the wooden handle on the grenade launched of the explosive part and flew straight to a soldier who was attempting to escape only to have a piece of wood stuck up his ass.
I opened my bottle to look for water. There was no water. I turned around to Pee Wee and said " You go ahead while I'll wait for reinforcements"......................