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Default 09-07-2005, 11:54 PM

Originally Posted by SoLiDUS
Originally Posted by Coleman
It's pretty good for just learning the basics of music theory. But you'll never get a level where you'll be able to compose. You might understand some chords and stuff, but writing a melodic line isn't really instructed on it.

The ear training stuff is good though. Keep working on that.
BS. I know nothing of music "theory" and my creations could pass for something Moby or other artists composed. The best part is, I did all of it with basic software and extremely limited knowledge of its functionality. Granted, it was mostly for electronic music, but if I took the time to learn a real synthesizer program, I could make some crazy shit. Then again, I'm lazy... carry on.
I'd like to see you try. You'd probably get augmented 2nds, 4ths and 5ths with crossed voices and a bunch of other problems. If you tried to sell your music to anyone they would NEVER buy it. If you were writing something for you bud's garage band, maybe, but not any school orchestra or film producer, or other major group.

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