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Default 09-08-2005, 03:21 PM

Originally Posted by Zoner
I dunno about that Coleman. I agree with you that knowing music theory is better than not knowing it, but the vast majority of multi-million record selling bands out there wouldn't know an arpeggio from an armpit.

Case in point, Tommy Lee's adventures in the drumline on "Tommy Lee Goes to College". Tommy is a solid rock drummer. I'd go as far as to say he's better than average...pretty darn good at least. You stick him in a marching band with "real" musicians who can sight read sheet music and he looks like he's never seen a drum in his life.

You can be a very successful musician without knowing much about actual "music".
I think Tommy went to a highschool specialized for music if I remember correctly. I could be wrong. On topic here, I am not saying you can't make it big in the rock industry without classical training. That's another ball game. The thread starter wanted to know music theory with the final thought of composing for a symphony or concert band. He wants to make it as a composer...not as a performer. There are alot of AMAZING performers out there that can't read a note of music and thats fine because they make up for it in their playing talent.

If he wants to write and sell his works to other groups to play (Boston Pops Orchestra, Philharmonic, Joe Smoe High School Symphony Orchestra, etc.) you need to have a FIRM basis of classical music theory training. It's a fact.

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