Thread: Pitching a tent
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Pitching a tent
pest is Offline
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Default Pitching a tent - 08-26-2002, 11:39 AM

...and I dont mean while surfing porn....


Some people claim that camping does not exist in MOH. My respose is BS!

Yes it does exist. No, it is not the same as camping in Q3, but guess what, this isnt Q3.

If you ever find yourself in the bell tower or that little dark hidey hole behind the church in Destroyed Village, or maybe you are hanging out behind the bushes in Algiers or under the tree on the bank of the river in crossroads.....You are camping. Sure, it is a valid strategy, but it is camping none the less. Sure people are going to complain, but I think I have heard people complain about the color of the sky (and lima beans) in this game too. So what? Who cares?

If you dont want to be called a camper, dont camp or just deal with it, but dont say camping doesnt exist. The strategy of the sniper is built around the concept of camping. Again, it might not mean the same thing as it did in Q3, but it does mean something to MOH players. This post is not directed at any one style of gameplay.
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