Thread: Pitching a tent
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Rev Aristotle Jones is Offline
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Default 08-26-2002, 12:08 PM

I especially like the name calling bit.

It's great when the same person gets a bee in their bonnet about where you are situated and keep trying to rush you. Everytime you wate them the message pops up "camping faggot" or similar, and the vitriol when they eventually do manage to kill you. WHy don't they just try to get you from behind, or try a different route.

I was having this discussion with a guy the other night and was about to finish for the night. Just typed in "And don't forget sh*t happens" when this guy who I'd been having a bit of a duel came round the corner and I got him. SO couldn't resist jibing "Doesn't it Mori".

He got me back by lobbing a grenade into my hidey hole.

"Now you can go" he said

what a jape.
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