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Default 09-15-2005, 08:56 PM

Originally Posted by "TGB!":b44c0
She's a whore - because?

My mother had a C-Section. . .kindly go fuck yourselves.
Thats understandable with that huge fucking head of yours.

I am sure however that your mom did try a natural vaginal birth but your watermelon sized head proved to be too huge of an obstacle and prevented it. She however probably didn't go in and say Doc just cut that motherfucker out...I don't want to go through labor.

Now then find your said mother and attempt to climb back into the womb thanks.[/quote:b44c0]

No C-Section for you folks then. . .I'm sure the Wide Vagina on Ol Betsy (read: your wife) is big enough to slip a Buick through (your choice of year). . .seriously though - when hitting it from behind do you every have to pull out a map to figure out where the fuck you are on that land-mass?[/quote:b44c0]rofl. that was funny. i told my sister about the c section thing and why britney did it and my sister disaproved. saying that giving birth the natural way makes the mother appreciate the child more. i dunno...does having a c section make the mother a less caring/loving person to the child? doubtful. so i still don't see whats wrong with how she gave birth. she had the money and the want to not wanna feel the pain of child birth. big deal. oh noooo she didn't give birth the way most normal women do the world is ending let's judge the shit out of her. stupid:

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