Thread: Your first car
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Default 09-17-2005, 07:44 PM

Originally Posted by "[DAS REICH
Blitz":f395e]before everyone bashes me, let me say that it was orignially my mom's car before she got a new one.

Why would somebody bash you, most everybodys first car aint their first choice of cars. Most guys have two cars in mind, the dream car then the one that fits the wallet. I expect that rule has applied since the first car rolled off the line.

Come to think of it, its one of the few things that hasnt changed generation to generation. the models change but a guys first car remains the same.[/quote:f395e]

because i would assume someone would come and say something like "i have to work in order to get a car that costs that could not even compare to yours, and you get to have one for free." Look at one of the vacation threads and see what i'm talking about.

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