Thread: n00bs
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Default 08-26-2002, 06:51 PM

It's all about server balance. I only dislike rockets when there are more than 3-4 of them on a server. You can normally out-skill and avoid rockets and take them down no problems, unless you're faced by 4-5 of them.

In this case you can still beat them (due to the dozens of self kills that would initiate) but you die so often that it becomes old.

The thing is, the same can be said for any weapon.

A server flooded with snipers is just as bad. As it is for shotguns. Just as annoying is a realism server full of STG44s.

A server full of smg and mg users would be annoying too.

I like the odd bazooka in a game, the odd shotgunner. It gives your enemies an identity that you can enjoy exploiting.
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