Originally Posted by SoLiDUS
Originally Posted by Tripper
Originally Posted by SoLiDUS
You don't ban all knives, vehicles and power tools because they're used in killing sprees, so why would you deprive millions of responsible firearm owners their right to bear arms and protect themselves because of one bad apple ? Pure ignorance: look at what gun control has done to Australia and England! Check the stats and then we'll talk. If you need help finding the information, I will gladly point you in the right direction...
It's alot easier to pull a gun trigger without thinking than it is to drive a knife into someone.
....and what has gun control done to Australia and England other than make them safer places to live?
(I realise it's a different case for North America which already has plenty of guns in criminals' hands so owning a gun yourself would seem like a smart choice)
Actually, my uninformed friend, Australia and England now suffer from even MORE violent crime as a result of disarming its populace. It's very easy to understand why. I will gladly link you to the data if you really wish to be educated: it may sound counter-intuitive, but when you publicly announce that no one has an efficient means of defending self and property, you are giving criminals the thumb's up to do anything they please. Of course, I'm not even going to get into the idea that a phone call will save you or that your public servants can be everywhere and are somehow more qualified to use firearms after a 14 hour training period. Simply ignorance, and I for one am tired of the feel-good bullshit that you try to feed everyone. </rant>
PM ME if you want the research reports. I will happily set the record straight.
PS. If you're going to get into the NEEDS fallacy, I will oblige you to dispose of practically everything you own, because by your own logic, they serve no real purpose other than make your life slightly easier to live. You don't need your car, your television or that computer. Please relinquish them immediately as they are unnecessary and can pose a health hazard to all the sheeple out there...
I think you are the only Canadian on this board that understands that!