Thread: Your first car
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Default 09-21-2005, 05:08 PM

Originally Posted by Tripper
Originally Posted by Coleman
alot of it has to do with cultural differences as well. When I was in Denmark, they couldn't believe that my family owned 4 vehicles. It's a huge part of our lives in America compared to other places I guess.
Maybe, I do know guys that are into their cars, their first car was probably a big deal to them, too - Car culture is pretty damn huge down here as well....

I'm just saying not everyone is into their cars so it's not very fair to judge people on their entire character based on whether or not they personally paid (with mondey earned from a job) for their first car or not - Infact, it's absurd....Not everyone treats their first vehicle as this special life milestone.
yep, i agree.

lol butters. Robocop f'ing owned.

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