Thread: Your first car
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butch is Offline
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Default 09-21-2005, 10:57 PM

You keep saying im judging you. I havent said anything remotely like that. I only intended this thread to talk about peoples first cars. Thought it might entertaining and it was. I enjoyed seeing some of the first cars guys have owned.

If you look at a car as something you have to piss away money on then i see why you feel the way you do. Most guys cant wait for time they can own thier own ride. It was that way for me. When i finally was able to buy the car i really wanted ( 69 vette) i treated that car like it was made of gold. Its a wonder i didnt rub off the paint with all the wax i put on that thing. I put just about every penny i made in that car.

You say you spent your money on a computer. When i bought the vette i dont have that option. Al gore hadnt invented the internet yet. biggrin:
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