Thread: Shootout
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Tripper is Offline
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Default 09-21-2005, 11:00 PM

Originally Posted by SoLiDUS
Originally Posted by Tripper
No, I won't dispose of my car, I use it to get to get places.

My television entertains me, as does my Computer.

A gun......What does a gun do for me (other than give me a weapon to potentially kill people without thinking twice), that a baseball bat/Golf club/Shovel can't do?

I like how you conveniently avoid mentioning their legal properties to favor your idiotic stance on gun control. Well done, but it doesn't work on people with an ounce of intelligence.

I actually don't understand what you mean by legal properties. The above point I made is totally relevant as far as I'm concerned, and all I see is you conveniently avoiding any kind of rebuttle towards that point.

If I do want a gun, I'll go get a license - Just like If I want to drive my car, I'll go ge a license to do so. The license process (In both cases) is intended to weed out those that pose a risk to the lives of others. What the fuck is wrong with that? I don't get why you continue to criticise two countries whose gun laws enable the people to own a gun if they actually need one.

I also don't get why you critique the police training process....It shouldn't take them more than 14 hours to teach how to operate a gun. If you're trying to say that 14 hour training period is the only thing that police have to get through to be able to use a gun, then you're wrong. The fact that they're already in the police is reason enough to trust them more with weapons, because just like gun licenseing, to get in the police there is that same process to weed out undesireables. So once they reach the gun training period with their recruits they have already eliminated those that would be unsafe or untrustworthy with a gun.

Nice fallacious argument: because they are police we should trust them. Well played: if you actually knew how easy it was to pass those qualifications, you would worry.

Okay, firstly - You generalise all police force recruit processes under one blanket and then just offer a hokey, half-assed claim. Is that all you have got as a rebuttle? Do you yourself know how easy it is to pass the NEW ZEALAND police qualifications? I doubt it. Very weak attempt.

....I never said simply because they're police we should trust them, I do however have some faith in the process of police recruitment, the same amount of faith I have in gun laws. I don't want someone with a criminal record of violent crimes policing me, just like I don't want them to have access to guns. The current police process of recruitment AND the process of gaining a gun license deny this......of course SOME bad apples will get through, but that's no reason to get rid of licensecing all together, ALOT of criminals or potential criminals would go and buy a gun if they could just go to the store and pick one up, without needing any licenses.

....and for the record, I only pipe up on this issue when you or others like you critique other countries gun laws, which is uneeded seeing as you don't live in those countries, so it shouldn't effect you... and seeing as how this issue is most certainly NOT black and white, I have just as much right as you or anyone else to rant my "feel-good bullshit."

The reason it DOES affect all of us is because other countries tend to imitate what they see as furthering their preferences. In this case, it's really easy to understand how one country's stance can affect the others.

No shit. Why do you think that is? Do you think it's just a trend of bad luck that all these countries are adopting similar restrictions? Or is it some conspiracy to thwart the people from owning guns so that the government can exercise oppression?

Sheeple? Kindly go fuck yourself you french faggot.

Yes. Sheeple. You're moved by "authorities" and do little more than grunt as you comply: in a perverted way, you deserve the ills that are befalling you.

What "ills" that are "befalling" me? This country has had gun restrictions for years....Tell me, tell me all about these "ills," I've been waiting for something bad to happen as a result of my countries gun control - Lemme check out my window and see if there is a reason for owning a gun coming down my street....... Nope. Nothing. In my entire lifetime, I've never needed a gun. I've never heard a story about someone I know and thought, "damn, you would have been better off if we didn't have these silly gun laws." ]

BTW - Go ahead and post those stats. I'm sure there probably is another reason for the rise in violent crime after the beefing up of gun laws...

That argument has been tried time and time again: I will start you off with the following study, and when you're done, let me know so I can give you more material. ... riment.pdf
I find it regrettable that you are so easily manipulated into believing the lies and propaganda fed to you, however I am not surprised. It takes guts and a critical mind to analyze the issue and accept the facts, which are decidedly not in favor of gun control.
What lies and propaganda? There is noone in my country bothering to dispiute or contest these laws because they have no reason too. There is also no member of parliament or government agency laying down gun control propaganda on me at all - They have no reason to. People are happy the way things are. You sound like a fucking paranoid schizo. I'm beginning to think you are.

Violent crime in New Zealand is at it's lowest in 20 years. That about sums it up. In relation to other countries you're probably right....but it still doesn't mean gun control is a flat out bad thing. It's worked out fine for my country....and I disagree with people who bash it just because it doesn't work in certain countries. That's what I meant by it no tbeing black and white, I guess now I see that it depends on the individual country in which it is in action.

I know for a fact that It works fine down here and that's why I pop in every time I see someone criticising gun control.