09-22-2005, 12:00 AM
It's not far-fetched.
You're already giving up your liberties in the name of "security" against "terrorists", which, it happens, can be re-defined at every corner to fit the agenda of those currently in power. I'm not saying they're ubermensch with a perfect plan for world domination, but the end result will most likely be the same: you will live under the strict ruling of one governing body overseeing every aspect of your life.
I agree, this will probably not occur in our lifetime. In any case, this is making me sound like a paranoid nut when the reality is that I am only concerned with ensuring our continued freedom to enjoy our lives to the fullest, unimpeded by the government, which is becoming intrusive and abusive. You may not agree with me on the above, but you will most likely concur that things aren't rosy.
If I can go offtopic for a moment, the more important problem facing us right now is overpopulation: this is causing a dysgenic tendency (more on this if you want details), a tremendous loss of ressources and excessive pollution. Why is everyone having a fucking kid and contributing to the problem ? This, I would hope, is not something that requires much cogitation: in fact, it's downright obvious. How do you propose we go about making things better ? At the rate our population is increasing (and I won't even mention how useless most of us are), it won't take long until we are facing a catastrophic situation. Now, if you wish, you may call me paranoid and delusional... but I'm right and time will prove it.