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Default 09-26-2005, 04:31 AM

I'll be talking with the Police tomorrow to get their info and i'll be knocking on doors later in the week to collect money for the damage. Someone asked if it was the Fairlane. Answer = No.

As for pics of said firearm, perhaps i'll do that when i post back with details of the "meeting of the Fathers". Pics of my Sopranos boxers??....well, if you don't mind a few of GF1 mommies in the pics! biggrin:

Thanks for the show of support fellas but where's my Karma?

......and i found it funny as fuck that some of you guys actually believed Buck would do anything such as that. Ya may hate him but i don't think he's that type of guy. Prolly never damaged anything in his life other than a few egos around

Carry on

The world is my urinal