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Default 09-27-2005, 07:56 PM

Originally Posted by Arkan
Parents were very apologetic as i knew they would be. And yes, i made up the "No driving rule". Told everyone they're privaleges are revoked and all parents said "no problem, my kid will go nowhere near your house from now on".

Perhaps me saying "Next time you may not be so lucky" probably helped. To be quite honest, Arkan doesn't need the added drama in his life and told them next time i'm not going this route....things will be alot different and that they're not gonna like the outcome. They all caught my drift and i left on that note.

Saying they cant drive on your street wtf you gonna do, beat them up get sued, arrested. not, you wont do shit, and if you came to my house with a threat you would leave in a ambulance believe me. or we both would, must have been a pussy for a dad you talked to or you threatened the mom.

If some guy told me I couldn't be on his street id camp out there, unless of course you have a restraining order.

of course I would have done the same thing so I guess you judged the dad as a pussy and made the threat good job, i just wish some on came on my property with a threating manor. me being 6 foot 2 275 lbs no fat and a mean sob, I never get them threats, only can wish for them.[/quote:a50dc]shut up