OMG that one legged sasquatch beat the fuck out of an 18 year old with glasses, what a jagoff, lynch him!
I thought you the buff big ass navy guy, now you just a kid with glasses? make up your mind.
As for calling some one a fag that isnt one, really isnt an insult that hurts, but calling a black guy a nigger is. as is making fun a my leg. its bad Karma shit now your kids my be born deformed, I pray not.
you guys all got me wrong any way. in real life i never start a fight, unless its some one picking on a small person or a gimp. I pull ovwer to help people when cars break down, i let friends who are down on there luck crash at my house. But i will not let some one come to my house and threaten me or my family.
If arkan came to my house, i would have told him my kid would be punished and i would tell him my kid would stay away from his shit, and if he didnt he should call me and let me handle it. you dont threaten that next time you may beat him or shoot him, i found that very much bull shit, i dare some fool to come to my house and threaten me like that.
o and if being called a fag or a wigger bother you tell me and I wont do it, they just dumb insults that shouldnt really affend any one.