09-28-2005, 12:56 PM
Zoner and all you Niger lovers can suck my huge dick. ed fucks little kids and tripper fucks niggers, zoners a fat pig, who loves a good nigger lover too. there now you can ban my ass, not one of you piss ants could last 1 mn with me in a fight. how any body on earth likes niggers is beyond me. dumb fucking kids , are bi too, what a waste this country went too. when i was a kid we beat fags and niggers up, you guys want to be them, lmao
grow some balls, pussies. there that piss you off. hard to piss you fags off when i am so censored.
why you think I fuck with tgb and tripper, one is a full out white hating nigger, and you all to fucking dumb to see it, and tripper wants to be a nigger. tripper you uncles fucked you up making you a nigger wanna be. this whole site seems like they love niggers why? they are worthless, made good slaves, but thats it. now time for my new name because you nigger loving fags cant take the truth on life.you laughing now you small dicked nigger wanna be tripper, maybe i am psycho enough to fly to your house and fuck you up. i cant believe how dumb you are. giving a obvious alpha male your address. thats like giving a nigger a key to your house and saying your going on vacation.
i my not fly to your house but prepare for a lot of gay mail, catalogs and shit sent to your house you inbred fucking fool. pissed yet bitch? i bet you sister or mom is so fat they fuck nigger and thats why you like them. you brain washed nigger. hows that for a ban, fucking cry babies.
zoner you are a pice of chicken fat. your so cool you can fuck with my account ,and eat 2 whole chickens at ones. bet you have your kids pull your finger alot and laugh. you look like a gay cop, join the village people. you tripper the gay blade, are all worthless piles of shit, and i could kick the shit out of you all at the same time. now ban me pussys
PS: this post just for them 3 basically.they tough on the net, white hatters.