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Default 09-29-2005, 02:51 PM

Originally Posted by Tripper
Originally Posted by Judas
: quite honestly i do feel bad when i think of the animals who died so that i could eat ... but im not out in a cow pasture camoflaged as a cow pattie taking pot shots at them and mounting their heads over my fire place.
Wow, I thought you were a Vegan after all that. Personally I think you have no place to talk if you yourself are eating the meat. What's the difference if a deer dies at the hands of a hunter than if it dies at the hands of whoever rounds them up so that you can eat them.

If you're eating it, you're part of it and you shouldn't really bitch about it.
i probably would if i were more informed and knew how to eat. its much different to provide yourself substanance than to just kill for the fun of it.
we have to eat, theres nothing i can do about that. but i dont just kill aminals for no apparent reason, just because i can.

im feel VERY strongly about aminal rights, love and appreciate all aminals. i think it says a lot about a person if they do, and alot more if they dont.

i think having pets and really getting to know them has been whats done it for me ... they have personality, can love and be loved, be sad, make friends, etc ... to me they are just as human and we are and should be treated as such.
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