09-30-2005, 05:05 PM
and you have to hunt for what reason even remotely related to anything at all ? you sure as fuk dont have to hunt to survive.
you may or may not have to have meat to survive, but its there so that you can if you need / wish to. some cultures might rely on meat, if vegetalbes arent readily availabe. who can say that there will always be enough vege to feed every person.
eating meat doesnt equal eating for sport. when i have a steak i dont purposely hunt down a cow, quite cowardly i might add , sportingly. im not hunting the cow for fun/ trophy. and thinking well shit, i ve killed this creature , and in order for me to appear less murderous, ill also save the meat.
hunters kill for no other reason. all they are after is the trophy. i on the other hand eat a animal because i am hungry. i dont hide in a tree, a thicket of bushes, adorned with the animals scent, kill, and parade around town like a fuking idiot, celebrating a murder.
hunting serves no purpose, no purpose at all. it fulfills no human NEED.
ive said it over and over. if you need the animal to live; if your life hangs in the balance over the death of the creature, by all means kill it. if you are out in the woods for no other purpose than to take the life of another living thing simply so you can brang to the other toothless fukwads about your 10 point buck, you yourself should be shot.