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Default 09-30-2005, 11:51 PM

Originally Posted by pest
This is silly.

I hunt because I like to hunt. Meat is great, but cow flesh is cheaper at the grocery anyway.

I like to pull the trigger. I like seeing a deer drop dead in its tracks at 100 yards. Wadding a duck up into a ball of feathers as he is buzzing the decoys almost gives me a woody. I cant think of many more satisfying things than calling a big old tom to within 20 yards. I am thinking of getting in on gator hunting next year too. How can anything that involves harpoons, bangsticks, boats and darkness be bad? I hunt legally, safely and ethically.

If you dont like it, thats your choice. I make no apologies, and offer no justifications. But I do feel hunters share a much closer bond with nature and have a much better understanging of its creatures than those that claim to be its champions.

The problem with society today, is that most people have been off the farm too long.
So you appreciate nature by killing its inhabitants? I see.... oOo:

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