10-07-2005, 05:17 PM
I figure I should chime in on this thread. As most know, I'm a die-hard fisherman. Love the thrill of the fight and catch. Contrary to popular belief, I don't eat fish. Can't stand the taste of it. I'll catch,gut and clean fish but won't eat it. About 95% of my fishing is catch and realease. Occasionaly I'll bring home snappers or snook for the familia, but most of the time it's the thrill I get from the fight and sometimes it's just putting up better numbers against my buds.
Obviously, I have no problem with hunting, although I have never hunted. It's actually a thrill from what I hear. It's alot of stalking the prey and outsmarting something in it's own habitat. Now I'm not saying we, as a society, should revert back to being speark chucking half naked men but sometimes people feel the need or want to return to a more rugged time. Hunting offers this experience, especially bow hunting. It also offers a chance of bonding, in the none homo way, and is way to get away from the hectic hub-bug life. The states have pretty good game officials that regulate the hunting of the species and most hunters are respectfull of nature to where they are sure to use EVERY bit of an animal.
I saw a few people post about how it's not really respecting nature if you kill it. I'm not a hippie or anything of the sort, but I don't thinking having cows chained up and blowing a steel rod in their head is too respectfull also. I guess indians were also disrespectfull when they hunted, as were all of history.