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Default 10-07-2005, 10:41 PM

Originally Posted by ninty
I think what I know as a debit card isn't a debit card in the states.

A debit card in my city is a card that is directly linked to your bank account. You swipe it, and then enter a 4 digit pin and the money is automatically transferred out of your account. What she is holding would be called a credit card in my neck of the woods. That money isn't in her bank account and it says mastercard on it.

Anyway, if I were to post my debit card number right here, right now none of you would be able to use it because 1) you don't have the card to swipe, and 2) you don't have my pin number.

Symantics I guess.
You can use debit card on the internet without the pin number. That's only for swipe machine things...

The difference between credit and debit is that debit takes it straight from your account as soon as you buy, while credit does, like you said. But you can use them the same way.

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