10-09-2005, 08:42 AM
every year on Oct 1st you will not be able to find me. It is opening day for bow season in Michigan. This year we had unseasonably warm temps which hampered our trip. It turned into more of a camping trip than a hunting trip. Im not complaining, its still great to go get lost in the woods for a week. Here are some pics of the trip.
first is our camp, just tents no power or running water. We have a supply tent and a sleeping tent.
next is the sleeping tent, it is heated but this year it was way too hot to need it
after the morning hunt its breakfast time!
while we are "roughing it" there is no need to eat like barbarians. A full backstrap (loin) from a huge doe I got last year and some shrimp "on the barbie". Here is dinner
and here is the doe I got, it was the last day so I took her. She is on the small size (about 80-100 lbs) but I need meat in the freezer.
warning this is a dead animal for the queasy
the next 2 are just some shots of Michigan in the fall. The first is the trail into camp the second is a field I like
I wish I had a better camera!!!!!
I have two months left in the season so Im sure Ill get more. My entire family really likes venison and it saves us alot at the store not to mention its a great time spent with life long friends