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r3mix is Offline
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Default 08-27-2002, 09:59 PM

1. Get a similar mod from the download section so you can make sure youre using the correct directory/file structure

2. On the PK3 you jsut downloaded right-click and change the file association to winzip.

3. Double click the file to open in winzip and view the directory structure.

4. Goto your mod and select these same directories and everything else under them.

5. Right-click > choose add to

6. Rename to directoryname.pk3

This assumes you have winzip installed, have the "shell extensions" in the right-click menu and have "hide known file extensions" turned off in Windows Explorer (menu > tools > folder options > view )

This will work the same for any of these programs like Winace and Winrar, however you will have to use the "add to..." option for these so that you can change the default format from .RAR or .ACE to .ZIP.

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