Thread: MAN! So long..
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Default 10-12-2005, 05:31 AM

Originally Posted by Arkan
Haven't played MOH in well over a year. Miss Crossroads and Remagen though.
Agreed, mohaa was good in its time, but new games come out so mohaa got old
[quote:a9323] As for CS, the team orientation is what keeps this game going but what did it in for me was the damn cheating. Too many people cheating.[/quote:a9323]
Definately, main reason why I didnt get into the game

[quote:a9323]Same with Americas Army.....awsome game but those asshats with "team-speak" or whatever the hell they call it, would ghost the map and tell their buddies where you were.[/quote:a9323] I still play AmericasArmy, I am one of these people with teamspeak, but we have a rule as not to ghost. I have been a victim many a times where I have been 'ghosted out' but this happens in every game, just appears to be more on this game. The new patch is due out this week, redownload it and 'pal up' sometime happy: