10-13-2005, 04:14 PM
here is my list
Pyro - disliked by alot of members here
Tripper - prolly the funniest person here with the best insults
Gerv - is very much into video cards
Zoner - is a cool person
Ninty - likes making lots of threads in the politics section
Milla - the all around cool dude
poiseidon - the all around cool dude in the UK
Mr Buttocks - makes some of the best posts i've read throughout here
Coleman - always keeps his cool even though people comment on his looks
Nyck - the king of gifs and pr0n
Akuma - the king of computers
Short hand - also disliked by lots of members here but is funny sometimes
Judas - seems cool to me
TonyMontana - has a cool name
Himmler - is a good clan leader that doesn't back down from challenges
Madmartagen - is another all around cool person
Jin Roh - seems cool even with his evil stare.
Arkan - GF1's resident buff dude.
Airborne Butters - always behaves and likes fishing.
CoMaToSe - seems also disliked cuz he's obese or something.
Fluffy Bunny - the all around cool navy party dude.
Acideyez - seems like the young trouble maker here lol
Duffy - was disliked till he showed his sexiness.
TGB! - doesn't take crap.