Thread: Who is gf1 ??
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Airborne Butters is Offline
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Default 10-13-2005, 05:20 PM

Pyro - Whiney lil' cunt. Will probally lead a Jihadist uprising , but fail when he realizes he's not as 'street' as he thinks he is.
Tripper - Man of insults. Probally one of the more smooth mofo's in here. Could possibly sex up a nun?
Gerv -Computer and video editing wiz. Possibly snap one day and blow up something?
Zoner - Sig master and most likely represents the mature side of this site. Most likely to die and come back as a ghost vision like Obi-Wan.
Ninty - Nicest Canuck here
Milla - Drives a chick car and listens to emo music, but he's still a Marine. Made me my first sig.
Coleman - Looks like my old sex crazed friend Mitch Banks. Will probally bag a hot wife or end up on an album playing trumpet with Kenny G.
Mr Buttocks - Bald but nice?
Bucknub - Hates his cat, lives near Pyro (has my condolences) and hangs out with passed out masturbators.
Maple - Craziest 10 most wanted canuck. Loves weaponry
Nyck - Seems to hate or be neagtive twoards everyone, but also very knoweldgable.
Akuma - Anti Christ . Could quite possibly devour someone's soul?
Short hand - Looks like Tobis.
Judas - Redneck artist? Strangely deep in some matters.
TonyMontana - Don't really know.
Himmler - Seems like a stand-up chap.
Vance - Don't really know.
Art Attack - Poser hardcore. Is prime example of what's wrong with music scenes.
Eight Ace - Funniest fucker on any side of the equator.
Guarnere - Very indepth and good at what he does.
Madmartagen - Not sure again.
Sergeant Scrotum - I still remember that French chick from MOHAA
Duke of Ray - Don't know.
Jin Roh - In the running for youth spammer.
Arkan - Brute, hero and all around kick ass guy. I'd get ripped with him and fight people if he asked.
Airborne Butters - Self Proclaimed Hugonaught.
CoMaToSe - Everyone has had hate for him, but I haven't had the pleasure of a flamefest with him yet.
Fluffy Bunny - Will replace James Bond but then pull out when he recieves and STD from the drunk 'slappers' he hangs out with!
Acideyez - On my 'needs an ass kicking list'
jujumantb - Can't complain.
Duffy - Will most likely run his mouth off and either be shot trying to run off or will be clobbered when thinking about running off.
TGB! - Yeah...
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