[quote="Airborne Butters":f30a7][quote=geRV]
Originally Posted by "Airborne Butters":f30a7
good with mg...come on Gerv you know better. That's like saying you the most kick ass at pingpong with a tennis racket.
Or like sayin the kar98 in 1.3 takes skill to use. plzdie:[/quote:f30a7]
It does! The only gun that can be declared a 'noob' cannon in 1.3, would be the Light autos. You can pull a 5 rod burst at a head and have 3 of those shots hit head.
I usually play heavies myself, but I've dipped into the rifles once n a while. I can snipe a dirty streak in underwear.[/quote:f30a7]
Kar 98 imo and in the opinion of the vast majority took no skill to use. In dod source its much more balanced and isn't the "shoot my big toe and i for some reason die" noob cannon it was in 1.3. In source u gotta score a head or upperchest shot with the kar to kill in one hit, the garand gayly enough still seems to take 2 shots to kill people. rolleyes: annoy:
As for smg's check them out in dod source, theyre like spraying machines, nowhere near as accurate as they once were loney: