Thread: Who is gf1 ??
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Default 10-13-2005, 06:47 PM

Nyck - the king of gifs and pr0n


Nyck - Made Major Lieutenant Master Sergeant Admiral in Battlefield 2.

Nyck - Seems to hate or be neagtive twoards everyone, but also very knoweldgable.


Pps..LOL Where is this redneck shit coming I dont hunt, fuck relatives, live in the country, have a 4x4 truck on monster truck wheels, own a gun, have a gun rack on my car, own anything that says"GIT-R-Done" on it, I Watched nascar but got bored with it and havent watched it in like a year a half.

PPPS I will give everyone ebausm(videos in general) rock:

My list
Pyro - Would blow dudes to become a mod, know it all whos malcontent for McNabb and the eagles grows everyday his team is buried in FF. Will Die b4 leafs ever win cup again.
Tripper - Dudemachine
Gerv - Snooker shooting Tech geek who only posts to either blow his load about videogame graphics, insult someone.
Zoner - Sig master, kewl dude, was within 10 minutes of my home for a day and didnt give me buttsecks
Ninty - Die hard Calgarian(thats right I made that shit up) Who is wanted for crossing the border with a chainsaw
Milla - ROFL!!! sums him up. Keeps me occupied at work with Txt Msgs.
Coleman - Gonzo, kewl guy who masturbates to his computer desktop. 1337 magic h4x
Mr Buttocks - Posts stories of goat penies growing out of elbows.
Bucknub - ellen degeneres secret love child b4 she went lez. Thinks hes good at bf2 but blows ass. wants the cock bad.
Maple - Last seen digging a tunnel in his backyard. would go gay for MacGuyver
Akuma - loves corpse fucking and death metal. actualy corporate monkey slave for KODAK.
Short hand - Roids.
Judas - enigma. Very metrosexual. Drinks starbucks smokes 10 packs a day, Then works out and flosses. animal luver, people hater, rice burning machine. hacker, huge e dong.
TonyMontana - broken face, got free swag out of it. Kewl ass dude.
Himmler - lots of ROFLS lately. Begs me to upload porn. Former Canadian
Vance - Who? ...LOL
Art Attack - Color coordinates hair prior to garage band concert. copious amounts of pictures of him blowing dank smoke. Perfect for Myspace.
Eight Ace - Has a seperate internet where he finds fucked up pics of cats with race car wheels for legs, etc.
Guarnere - Former WWF wrestler Matt Hardy, now out of work and slimmed down.
Madmartagen - Gets pwned by women in various manners. Ie Selling $400 dollar jacket on ebay for 40 bucks. Running for their lives when he says he likes them.
Duke of Ray - Beans, Cats, Letters written by autistic 9 yr old accompanying free game mailed to other members.
Jin Roh - posted beastality after he thought I hacked his computer and got a picture of him(got it from myspace) fuctard who has become Ungrateful fuck when his dad would buy him a car.
Arkan - Hits it in the shitter, complete with canned arkan image of, Sunglasses, Wife Beater T shirt, interchangeable handgun/middle finger.
Airborne Butters - only posts pictures of him with fish. Fedex Hoodie.
CoMaToSe - Mole. Worst intro ever with picture, pedophles like his sister.
Fluffy Bunny - Ed norton look a like that does nothing but party with various mates and skanks.
Acideyez - Lithuanian Squirrel Hunter, doesnt know shit about baseball.
jujumantb - Makes Vanilla Ice look like doctor fuckin dre.
Duffy - The little brother that has to go with you if you want to go out. You tolerate him because you want to have a good time.
TGB! - Has spite for The Man and Me.
newt. - Needs to jump off a cliff and die on shallow jagged rock filled water.
Anita_head - dillusional one legged billionare, who could kick anyones ass, fan of benji madden and hello kitty.
Swill - Lesbian, shot self in face after too much redicule over giving tripper e-head over TS.
elstatec- cool because he has the 1337 name ever nicholas. Gay because he frequents sausage fests. Unnatural love for Dreamcast. Single Handly overused the word Chav.
Posieden - ROEing Nub biggrin:

"I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do if I caught one. I just *do* things. I'm a wrench in the gears. I *hate* plans."
- The Joker
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