Thread: Who is gf1 ??
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CoMaToSe is Offline
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Default 10-14-2005, 02:09 AM

Pyro: Whiney cunt bag
Swill: Rosanne Barr meats Rosie o'Donnel
Arkan: THe only (non famous) man I'd ever go gay for
Zoner: Vengeful God... Loving God.... Vengeful God...
Milla: Military BAbe
Acideyez: Too high to type coherently
Tripper: Hates me, though I secretly like him, he's funny and throws out witty insults like Spock drops logic
Whatada: Sexy
Duffy: Revealed us all to be gay, we hated him until we saw his picture and how sexy he was
M79: A grenade launcher
JohnJ: Oldest fart on teh intarweb
ShortHand: Pornstar Avatar, but has a small penis
Jin-Roh: Immature
Bullit: Master of Hentai
Nyck: Half crazed nascar redneck, emmisary from ebaums
Duke_of_Ray: Has super flatulence
Motoxx: Started the sexy avatar trend
Art Attack: Also the name of a channel four television program
Sgt. Paine: Never really paid attention
Coleman: Has declared an intifada on us all
Buttocks: Sexy
TGB!: Black, and therefore well-hung
Madmartagen: Well rounded individual
Da_Bian: Stikfas loser
Berretta: Beats me
Scorched Earth: Seen him post, but never paid attention
}{awke: Didnt like my MoHAA mods
Maple: LEft us for some internet fantasy world full of antisocial losers. Wait...
Fluffy_BUnny: Best Partier
Mr. Miyagi: Helped the Karate Kid and the chick wannabe
Akuma: Likes it kinky, spattered in his, her, and animal blood
Himmler: Well liked
Ned: Most infamous
Vance: I always think hes Himmler
Blitz: Couldnt say
Bucky: Evil cat
Stammer: Pimp
Unknown_Sniper: His name says it all
Merlin: Vengeful
Gerv: Leprechaun of graphics cards, disapperars at random
Stat: USed to have a cool avatar, but has since changed it
Ninty: Fights war in outer space
AIrborne Butters: HAs big sideburns
Poseiden: DUnno
Prot: Halo
Scalping Chief: Couldnt say
CoMaToSe: Fat, has a HAWT SIS oOo:
Bleuachdu: Funny n****r
BAdscript: Only comes to give bad news, but pays for the site, so hes cool
Sgt. Scrotum: Scary

sorry if I omitted anybody.
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