Thread: Who is gf1 ??
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Default 10-14-2005, 12:11 PM

Not that this is supposed to be any funny, I just thought I'd share my little take on everyone...

Zoner - Big friendly he-man. HAW! HAW! HAW!
Buttocks - Wierd bald guy.
Nyck - You're typical stereotype of a 30 year old, slaving his life away to videogames.
gERV - Geeky, but still pretty cool.
Tripper - Wigga 4 lyfe
Milla - He's like your stereotype of the guy that has to follow every trend out there, listen to all the latest music and wear the latest clothing. Still, he's kewl.
KTOG - Kinda boring.
Arkan - Baby got back.
Scalping Chief - Iono, really. All I like about him is his avatar and sig. Beyond that, I really dont know who he is.
Pyro - Whiney.
Whatada - Geek
Comotose - Wildy jealous of my butt
Swill - Just swell. And fat.
Airborne Butters - Kewl name, kewl guy.
BadScript - R.I.P.
Judas - I dunno, I guess I dont like him. I dont really care.
Jin-Roh - I thought he was japanese. Turns out to be some teenage guy with a whacky hair cut.
Bucknub - See: Milla.

I'm tired of doing them.
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