actually i was talking about canada. cause im from there lol. and cuba is not much of a communist country, more of a military dictatorship there. Plus when did you go down to cuba to see the people? Oh thats right, NEVER. Cause your country won't let you go there because they don't want you to think that MAYBE Capatalism isn't so great. Damn thats great freedom huh? Communism fell because of the usa and europeans reactionitory response to a new and frankly much better form of government. It's a known fact that most of Europe and the USA were against the USSR for no real reason aside from the fact they are Commies.
Anyways if you want to have an open mind go check out and read the 1936 constitution, or read about the history of communism.
I for one have already seen the errors of Capatalism. Causing the hard worker to be poor, to have less than those who sit around doing nothing.