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Posts: 47
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: San Anphonio (Hell)
Default 10-18-2005, 08:09 AM

open the .tik files for each weapon you wish to alter and find the below section (each weapon's .tik can vary a little but the key/values will have the same names)

ie. kar98 sniper (this is for DM play)


/ DM Attributes
dmbulletcount 1
dmstartammo 50
dmammorequired 1
// dmfiredelay 1.25
dmfiredelay 2.0 // this makes it match the springfield <--change to a lower value for faster firing speed/reload speed

dmbulletrange 4000
// dmbulletdamage 120 //original 100
dmbulletdamage 106 //original 100
dmbulletspread 59 59 150 150
dmzoomspreadmult 0.055

// dmmovementspeed 0.77
dmmovementspeed 0.8

dmcrosshair 1

// this is attached to the player during reload
cache models/ammo/springfield_clip_reload.tik


some of the .tik files will have two entries for the key. don't worry about changing the key/value for those lines starting with //

also, i have found altering the reload speed/firing speed of the kar rifles to screw up the ingame firing , i think it has something to do with the animations. then again, i use the city nights modern weapons.
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