Originally Posted by Colonel
Originally Posted by Tripper
Whether or not you support either war, you can't compare WW2 to either war. That's just fucking retarded.
Makes me sick when people make the comparison.
Actually I was makng the comparison to our attitudes towards what it takes to win a war, and a comparison, to what I preceive anyway, is a lack of backbone in today's society. In my opinion we have become a country that suffers from ADD (one of the excuses we like to use with our youth). We can't finish anything that we start. In addition, we have become a country so concerned about being politically correct that we don't have the balls to do what it takes to win.
Most of the guys in this forum laughed at a story that was posted a while back about Gen Pershing killing Muslim terrorists and burying them with pig entrails (which never happened, btw). If this recent story really happened, why is it any different? Is it because we have pictures to relate to? Or maybe we just don't want to hurt anybody's feelings. You can argue about Iraq being an unjust war all you want. This happened in Afghanistan. I'm pretty sure that most of the guys in this forum agreed we had the right to go after Bin Laden and his bunch, who were in Afghanistan.
BTW - getting my head chopped off is against my religion. Do you think the terrorists are going to respect that belief when they capture me?
I never said Afgahnistan was unjust. I said it was an ill comparison...Which it is.
It's kinda funny the way you say your country has no backbone and doesn't finish what it starts. I'd agree with the second part. What's funny is that it's people like you who encourage and support your country to take on another task like Iraq when it hasn't even finished with it's other obligations. Then you go ahead and say that. Doesn't make sense.
You'd be suprised of the importance of Political Correctness when you're dealing with foreign policy. It works the same way as mass-media. The attitude of your government reflects the attitude of the people. With regards to Iraq, Forcing war down peoples throat makes you generally disliked, whether or not it's a 'just' action deep down inside. On the surface people see an aggresive action, with no tact, and a 'Fuck You' attitude. That simply breeds hatred, which in turn makes war....and then you've just got more and more obligations as the years go on.
IMO, people like you are too strung up about being Politically Correct that you seperate yourselves so far from it that you forget where it IS important and relevant.
As for hurting the "enemies" feelings. Yeah, maybe you're right - It is war, fuck their feelings. Just don't bitch when they send another bunch of pissed off suicide bombers to blow up something else in your country.
Times have changed. This is the era of the terrorist. That's why comparing any of this too WW2 is just silly.