Originally Posted by Tripper
I never said Afgahnistan was unjust. I said it was an ill comparison...Which it is.
As i said, I wasn't comparing wars but the attitude about winning them. What do you think we would do to one of our Generals today if he said the stuff that Patton said? I doubt he would be in his job very long.
Originally Posted by Tripper
It's kinda funny the way you say your country has no backbone and doesn't finish what it starts. I'd agree with the second part. What's funny is that it's people like you who encourage and support your country to take on another task like Iraq when it hasn't even finished with it's other obligations. Then you go ahead and say that. Doesn't make sense.
it makes sense when you believe, like I do, that they are the same conflict, just different fronts.
Originally Posted by Tripper
...That simply breeds hatred, which in turn makes war....and then you've just got more and more obligations as the years go on..
Funny how they hated us enough to bomb us
before we took on Iraq,
before we took on Afghanistan, even
before we fought WWII. Nothing we do now can possibly make them hate us any more. I would hope that we would always conduct ourselves by a standard that is higher than that of the scum that we are fighting, that's why I doubt the report that started this thread is 100% accurate, But I also think that as a country we have a growing faction that will oppose anything that we do (even if we were fighting Hitler again) and will always find fault and take pleasure in pointing the finger of blame at our boys when something like this comes out.