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Default 10-21-2005, 11:56 PM

This is why i don't like politics. It always causes rifts amoungst the closest of friends (and don't you fuckers believe i love ya''s a fuckin' example)

Anywho, i'm in agreement with Colonel (like THATS a suprise). This lil' "burning of the bodies" is psychological warfare. The terrorists did it with 9/11, the burning of the bodies on the bridge, the dragging of the American soldier through Afghanistan, the showing of American soldiers who were shot in the head, and the countless live beheadings. While it may be "against" the rules, it's psychological warfare none the less. And, for the theory that we may get the terrorists more mad at us, who gives a flying fuck. We're at war and i can't get any more mad or feel any more hatred for them after what they did to us on that fateful September day in my home city. Fuck them, fuck their cause, fuck their feelings, and fuck the camel they rode in on.

The world is my urinal
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