Thread: IPOD 5G
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TGB! is Offline
Command Sergeant Major
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Default 10-22-2005, 02:51 AM

Picked mine up today, along with some Sony Earbuds and an iBoost that jacks up the battery by about 200% or so. The screen is much larger than I thought it would be - it is by no means "large", nor is it small to where you are straining your eyes (although its not meant to be stared at for extended periods of time). Ive been ripping AQUA TEEN onto the iPod, and the video is damn sharp and visable. It is the perfect size to hold in your hand for short periods of time when you need a quick break from whatever has got you tied up.

The iPod itself is lighter with a flat face. Not too in love with that - but I guess its neccessary for the video screen.

Very very impressed. If you have an old-iPod - definitely worth the upgrade.
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