Originally Posted by Colonel
I understand your thinking about the lack of political correctness breeding more terrorists. I just don't agree with it. I think the opposite is true because what you are proposing is appeasement and I think that's what got us here to start with. There are alot of experts that think Bin Laden was emboldened to attack the Trade Centers, the Pentagon and the White House because he had gotten off so easy in the past. He didn't expect us to actually come after him even if he attacked us so boldly. The fact of the matter is that we have been pouring aid into these countries, bending over backwards to appease them and basically letting them get away with their hate-filled terrorism for so many years that they figured they could take it to the next level. So, political correctness, in my opinion, caused the problem. It is not the solution.
Neither is the 'screw you' attitude. My point is it is making the situation worse. There will always be terrorism, you can't control that. What you can control is the severity of the situation. You have two options, some terrorists....Or LOTS of terrorists.
The way it's heading now is the second option.
...Basically what you're telling me is because there is no solution, the only option is to make the situation worse, just so you can show them 'who's boss.' The reality is, it's not showing them who's boss.
It's exactly like a hornet's nest. You get stung a couple of times, so you decide the best way to deal with it, is to get closer to it and fuck with it some more.
I'm not saying you should give a shit about them or their feelings, I'm saying in order to keep your country safe and your families safer, the best option is to just avoid them. There is a reason why they're pissed at the U.S and not at other countries. It's not as if you guys hadn't done something to piss them off.
It sounds bad, but the reality is appeasement is the safest option.