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hoonose is Offline
Posts: 74
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Lake Havasu City, Arizona
Default 08-28-2002, 11:20 AM

"Dispute Charges: Tonight we faced Waffen. I have been playing medal of honor since the game came out from the very beginning. I am not disputing that we won the match or lost the match. We did infact lose the match by score. I am here to dispute the way the waffen members played they way they played suggested that they knew where we were and where we were going and when, which leads me to conclude that they had to be wallhacking. They knew exactly when to throw grenades and where even though we were being quiet. Walking, not even dropping or peaking around a corner. A grenade came out at the person.
I Fire Hawk, am a sniper. I was positioned at the top of the concrete stairs. One member from Waffen had a machine gun across from me on the map Stalingrad also peaking out. I saw him in my scopes. Before I could even fire I was dead due to several head shots. Again, I went up there peaked out and was shot once again in the head. For the third time, I got shot in the head. He had 5 headshots in a row. Never have I encountered such precise aiming or died so quickly. This lead me to conclude they used both autoaim and wallhack. Please follow into their matches with other clans, etc. Your time has been much appreciated"

I don't recall if I have discussed my history as a cheater on this forum, or PlanetLaDiDa. However, I am a confirmed cheat, and I cheat in a way that no one has discovered me doing, at least so far. And, I have never run across this particular cheat in other discussions, but, on very rare occaisions, I have seen it used, online. (Although it would be very difficult to prove. It is neither a wallhack nor an aimbot cheat) I have not revealed my cheat in my forum discussions, because it makes no sense to give other potential cheaters more "ammo". (I never use the cheat in a planned match, only during random, pick-up games.) The quote repeated above makes me very suspect that at least one of your opponents was using my cheat. It just sounds too familiar! The cheater could probably do it without the other team members knowing it! I wouldn't blame them all, for one bad apple. (spoken as a bad apple!) But, they would be banned, as a team, if found out. If someone could arrange it, so I could be on a team opposing them, I probably could discern if the cheat is being used. In fact, this message should serve as an active deterrant, if the cheater reads this!
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