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10-23-2005, 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by Colonel
Originally Posted by Tripper
It sounds bad, but the reality is appeasement is the safest option.
That's what the French said about the Germans when Hilter invaded Poland. It's also what many Americans said (and did) during the eight years prior to 9-11. As long as the US is friendly with Israel nothing we do will be appease them enough.
Well, you're not dealing with Hitler. This is what I mean, you can't make that comparison. Hitler was after Europe. These fanatics want America to leave the middle east, and stop fucking with it, the growth of terrorist cells is a result of that. - As for the eight years prior to 9/11....I think you need to read a little. I mean it's not like you guys weren't giving them a reason to attack you back then....and yeah, Israel is a problem, it was a fucked idea in the first place. Like I said, its going to get worse and worse if you mess with it though.
Originally Posted by Tripper
What you can control is the severity of the situation. You have two options, some terrorists....Or LOTS of terrorists.
I would say that giving the terrorists the sense of security that allows them to think they can fly a couple of planes into the World Trade Center is not controlling the situation but adding to the severity of it.
Sense of security? They're suicide bombers for fucks sake. Do you think going deeper into the middle east, opening more fronts and wasting more time, money, and lives is going to stop them from doing it again? You're better off increasing security in your own country and reducing influence there.
Originally Posted by Tripper
It's exactly like a hornet's nest. You get stung a couple of times, so you decide the best way to deal with it, is to get closer to it and fuck with it some more.
You're right. Only the hornets nest was stired up a couple of thousand years ago and we have the choice now of standing here and being stung repeatedly or spraying the hive with the wasp spray we are holding.
Where is your wasp spray? Nukes? Hah. What you're doing now is standing there and being stung. I don't see any progress being made whatsoever.
Originally Posted by Tripper
I'm saying in order to keep your country safe and your families safer, the best option is to just avoid them.
Again, history proves that that statement is not accurate. Even if we did completely pull out of every muslim country in the world they would continue their terrorist activities.
That could be true. But you can't control that. What I'm saying is going in there is making it worse. How would reducing influence/pulling out make it worse?
Originally Posted by Tripper
There is a reason why they're pissed at the U.S and not at other countries. It's not as if you guys hadn't done something to piss them off.
Actually they have carried out terrorist activities in a large number of countries. (both before and after 9-11) They pretty much hate anybody that does not follow whatever muslim sect they belong to.
Name one country that wasn't affiliated with the coalition, or a country that's target wasn't an embassy for another country. Probably VERY few, if any, cases of that. Even then, it's something you can't control. You can prepare for it - But you can't stop it. There will always be terrorism in one form or another. There's no point in giving these kinds of people more of a reason to do it.