Originally Posted by Johnj
Originally Posted by Tripper
It sounds bad, but the reality is appeasement is the safest option.
Not going to happen, I guess you and Spain can do all the appeasing you want, just remember that we told you that is a bad idea, when the terrorists come to chop off your infidel head.
LOL, god your full of shit....Me and my country didn't do shit to any Arabs and therefore aren't a target. ...Because of my countries foreign policy I have absolutely ZERO worries about my country being targeted by islamic fundamentalists. It just wouldn't happen. As for spain - Since they pulled their troops out, what has happened to them? Nothing.
These terrorists that are beheading "infidels" have on a many occasions released hostages whose countries were not affiliated with your coalition.
So don't talk to me about terrorists coming to "chop off my infidel head." Seems like YOU have been brainwashed into thinking these kinds of people have no real agenda and are just killing white people willy-nilly.