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Default 10-24-2005, 06:38 AM

So you think your safe. Ever vacation in Bali. Pretty soon you won't be able to vacation anywhere in the South Pacific except Christchurch, and then guess who will be coming for a visit. What would you do if a neighborhood bully came and told you to give hin a dollar? How about someone in the mob looking for protection money? You can say it isn't the same thing, but it is. The terrorists are not attacking your country right now because they have a bigger problem with the USA and England. Do I agree with the way my country is going about this "War on Terror". No I don't, I didn't vote for Dubba either. Using the military on terrorists makes them more powerful politically, when all they are is criminals.You say nothing has happened to Spain since they capitulated and voted in politicians that pulled their troops out of the coalition. Now a group of terrorists can make demands on the Spanish government, and if they don't get their way the terrorist will plant another bomb.

As to being full of shit, I have blue eyes so I guess I'm a quart low. And I haven't been brainwashed, I'm not advocating having our military over in the Middle East. If the problem is our military is Saudi Arabia, the Saudi government asked us to be there.

**Practicing the dark art of turn signal usage since 1976.**
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