Originally Posted by Johnj
So you think your safe. Ever vacation in Bali.
Yeah, I do think I'm safe - As safe as I can be. If my country were to join the coalition - We'd be targeted by "al queda," which would make us that much more unsafe.....and no, I haven't been to Bali, nor would I ever go - For three reasons:
1.) It's full of Australians (The reason why it was bombed).
2.) It's insane marijuana laws.
3.) Asia doesn't appeal to me in the slightest. (Except Japan)
Originally Posted by Johnj
Pretty soon you won't be able to vacation anywhere in the South Pacific except Christchurch, and then guess who will be coming for a visit.
Why won't I be able to vacation anywhere in the south pacific? You're a fucking idiot if you think I'm going to be threatened by terrorists in Samoa or Tonga, or anywhere around there...There is no motive at all, with tiny (if ANY) muslim communities, and even then probably zero extremists...(Bali was bombed by Muslim extremists who lived there - Not by outside forces.
...and why Christchurch? You know that's not the only other town in my country. Paranoid AND ignorant. rolleyes:
...I can't guess who will be coming for a visit. Every attack so far has had a degree of motive. There is no motive for an attack on NZ soil. We haven't fucked with, nor supported the fucking with of any country in the middle east.
Originally Posted by Johnj
What would you do if a neighborhood bully came and told you to give hin a dollar?
This is NOT the same.....and YOU know it. Please, I'm not a moron.
Originally Posted by Johnj
How about someone in the mob looking for protection money? You can say it isn't the same thing, but it is.
I wouldn't have fucked with the mob in the first place....and you're right, I CAN say it isn't the same thing, and that's probably because IT ISN'T.
Originally Posted by Johnj
The terrorists are not attacking your country right now because they have a bigger problem with the USA and England.
.....And why do you think that is? oOo:
They're not going to attack my country, because like I said, there is no real motive for them to do so. What point would they be proving? Their 'holy war' feels justified to them because of the "fuck you" in-your-face attitude from your country that I've been going on about and the fact that the U.S is fucking around and killing their people in their own 'holy land.' The rest of the coalition are targets as well because of their support of these actions and attitudes.
Originally Posted by Johnj
You say nothing has happened to Spain since they capitulated and voted in politicians that pulled their troops out of the coalition. Now a group of terrorists can make demands on the Spanish government, and if they don't get their way the terrorist will plant another bomb.
That's retarded. They would plant a bomb anyway. Do you think because the U.S doesn't meet their demands, that their not going to target you guys anymore? They'll keep doing it until you pull out. They're relentless in their motive.
The difference with Spain is they won't because they have met their demand and therefore have no motive to do so. Since Spain has removed themselves from affiliation with the coalition there is no reason for them to attack it.