10-25-2005, 01:09 PM
[quote:4d182]The UN and its member nations approved an illegal war in Afghanistan.[/quote:4d182]
The war that removed an terrorist orginazation from power that was aiding and abetting another terrorist organization that attacked the United States - nope. . .no justification there.
[quote:4d182]This right off the bat illegitimizes the war.[/quote:4d182]
That is RIDICULOUS logic. Because we make it known that "oh my gosh" we may have to take action against a country that is sponsoring terrorism (something that has been known since Omar came into power) - before they do something ELSE. . .please.
[quote:4d182]He was already there.[/quote:4d182]
He came into the country under the invitation of men who would later be heads of state. Period. End of story. During this time US Embassies, the US Cole and the WTC were bombed. You dont conduct terrorist activities from a country with ease WITHOUT having a relationship with the people in power.
Ninty for all your waxing about the "ills" in this administration - your information seems woefully inadequate and intentional limited.