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Forum Signatures & Hello!
Kevco is Offline
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Posts: 2
Join Date: Oct 2005
Default Forum Signatures & Hello! - 10-25-2005, 01:09 PM

Hello to everyone at GroundForce............

First and foremost I would like to ask the site admin for his/her Permission to make this post on your clan forum? If you consider that it’s not appropriate, then please remove/delete this post and I will not trouble you again and with no hard feelings.

Let me introduce myself to you and your clan members. My name is kevco and I have been making forum signatures for awhile now and have done well over 40+ clans and close on 450 signatures. The main thing that set’s me apart from other people who offer a service like this one is that I ask for nothing in return. I will make them for you and also host them, so you don't have to pay for an image host. I don’t ever confess to be the best at these things, as there are some really talented people about who do them very well. They may even be someone within this clan who does a good job, so I would never wish to step on anyone’s feet. What is important to me is that, it’s your signature and it represents you and that you feel happy with it.

It’s just something I take a lot of satisfaction out of and also I enjoy the challenge. If you would care to checkout my site first! Then please do so, you will find me at On here you will find a full guest-book of kind comments and also a list of every person I have made a signature for and also the clans, I have my own forum.

There is NO catch, they are free and to your own specifications, theme, colours, clan tag, border, war, sexy, sport, animation…. Whatever!

That’s about it, other than to wish you well……..

I have included a few signature of different types just to give you some idea's............thxs for your time guys freak:

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