Originally Posted by Johnj
So your solution is to meet whatever demands the terrorists make.
No. I never said "whatever" demands they make. Regarding affiliation with the coalition, sure - There is enough non-islamic people out there demanding that as it is anyway. These demands are threats, and quite frankly, I'm not going to test the threats of a group of people who are willing to die and WILL die for their cause, when it's a demand that so many of them all agree on.
You watch, they won't try and take over the world - That's why I think you've been brainwashed into thinking that. They don't want the rest of the world. They want their 'holy land' free from meddling Christians. If that's all it takes to not worry about people coming to blow up my family, or fly planes into my countries' buildings, then sure - I mean fair enough, if bigger countries were fucking with my country like that I'd be pissed off too.
Originally Posted by Johnj
Don't go to this country because the terrorist might not like some vacationers there.
The Bali bombers were Indonesian. Not middle eastern. It was their home,and Australians are the number one vacationers there by a long shot. There is a considerable population of muslims there and obviously where there are lots of muslims, there are extremists. You could see it coming.
....and besides, if the Australians hadn't gotten involved in the first place, that attack would never have happened. It wasnt just a random attack on white "christians."
Originally Posted by Johnj
Cut all ties with the Middle East
No. Cut ties with countries who have influence in the middle eats, but don't have the middle east's best interests in mind, or who are working against the middle east. Let the fuckers have their deserts and camels without being in an American/coalition headlock....
Originally Posted by Johnj
What are the terrorist demanding? What exactly do the extremist Muslims want? Their stated goal is to destroy western society and replace it with an Islamic state.
Do you think if that was their stated goal from the get-go, that they would have attempted this years ago? Back when there wasn't as much western influence in their countries? They could have launched chemical attacks, got ahold of nukes, bombs, anything. This is a modern thing. This is a result of years of westerners meddling in their affairs.
...And that is a minority of terrorist groups who agree with that anyway - Most just want the coalition out.
These people are not as enlightened about true motives - They don't understand. All they see is a largely unjustified war (To them anyway) in their land, and whatever else al-jazeera or any media reports...How is going to war with them making it better? It's just increasing the death toll on both sides. It's making it worse, and doubling the population of muslims who are willing to blow themselves up to get revenge for their dead kids who died from American bombs....All the dedicated muslim kids who see this kind of shit (Americans burning taliban bodies) on al-jazeera, and decide, "They are pigs, lets kill those american fucks, look at what they do to us - They despise us."
The burning of bodies, abu ghraib, the fucking with the koran - It's all part of the "fuck you" attitude, and that's what it does to help the situation. To top it off, they see the dedicated support of these actions from Americans.
This is also a demonstration of how powerful the media is these days and how it's not the same as past wars where the same attitude has been in existance.
I don't support their actions, but I also don't support fucking with the middle east for the various reasons above.