Thread: Invade Syria?
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TGB! is Offline
Command Sergeant Major
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Default 10-25-2005, 03:02 PM

[quote:a1972]Just because the war removed a "terrorist organization" does not automatically make it legal.[/quote:a1972]

And yet - other than rhetorical nonsense - you can present no evidence to back up your suggestion.

[quote:a1972]The basis for war in Afghanistan was planes flying into NY.[/quote:a1972]

Terrorists attacked us. Said terrorists were in Afghanistan. Afghanistan said "we'll do it ourselves". They didnt. We went in. Period. Any other information you present does NOT invalidate the fact that the United States had just cause in removing a body that wasnt even recognized as a sovereign nation.

[quote:a1972]I'm sure that if it was public knowledge that the war was planned before the attacks happened, you'd have some people asking more questions about the legitamicy of the war.[/quote:a1972]

Again - it does not INVALIDATE that the US was attacked. At best you can spend all day spinning conspiracy theories that 9/11 was an "inside job" and was meant to happen etc. etc. - but the FACTS that are agreed upon leave little room for debating the justification for going to war.

[quote:a1972]I don't think the country really had or has the resources to carry out anti terrorist operations.[/quote:a1972]

Why would they? If you invite someone into your country, its generally under the assumption that you have good relations with the party and have no objection to their activities. As for being a poor country - so? They had a police-body in place, and if they wanted could have expelled OBL from Afghanistan if they chose to. Again - why would they have.

[quote:a1972]I suppose I could say the same for you.[/quote:a1972]

You could - but the difference would be I'd be right. . .you, wrong.
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