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Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: Camp Crystal Lake
Default 10-27-2005, 10:34 AM

My fond memories...

- Playing "Smash Up Derby" and losing most of the pieces to the blue beetle
- Roller skating in the basement while listening to Lipp Sync's "Funkytown" on the tape recorder
- Pac Man watches with the miniscule joystick
- Sneakers with calculators and clocks in 'em
- Hiding GI Joe figures in the Xmas tree
- Scaring the shit out of your dog with your AT-AT walker
- Flying those styrofoam WWII planes with the blue plastic props (The North American Mustang owned all)
- Making guns out of 3x3 pieces of wood, elastic bands, and clothes pins
- Watching Buck Rogers and thinking Erin Grey was the hottest woman alive
- Hitting jumps on your sweet Motocross bicycle (ya know, the ones with the gas tank and front/rear shocks? They owned.)
- Playing D&D in your neighbour's basement during an all weekend sleepover
- Watching "Monty Python's The Meaning of Life" during said sleepover and giggling at the sex education scene
- Crushing Matchbox dinkies in your Dad's vice.
- Going to the store for $0.01 "Pick-A-Ninny" gum and getting 5 free if you got a yellow one  247
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