Thread: Forte Inc
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Default 10-28-2005, 04:25 PM

Originally Posted by Sniper101
what are you using to do the scripting? directly from photoshop? Id recommend using Dreamweaver to do all the finite stuff, like creating the table and centering it. or you could edit the code directly

[code:62c2b]<table width="779" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">

this is the line you need to edit at the top, copy and paste it if you want, notice i added the align="center"

Also for the color button links at the top, create a second set, grayscale, and create a mouse over, that would fade them into color, that will look better. Use dreamweaver if you can to do the coding or Google for the script to do that, i cant think of what it is, but as far as i know youd edit the CSS file to do so
yeah im using Dreamweaver for this. Thanks for the tip. Ill try and fix all this up on monday in webdesign class.

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