Thread: Invade Syria?
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TGB! is Offline
Command Sergeant Major
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Default 10-30-2005, 07:46 PM

Why is it that none of you regular critics can effectively critique without someone FIRST saying what you NATURALLY were going to say? -

The War On Terror is NOT about OBL, and to think it is is to commit the same logical fallacy that many on the fringe left do every single day - that the war can be marginalized and laid out in some flowery terms to appease those asking "what for". You are more than welcome to think ONE MAN is the focus of this process - some of us know better and arent so literal, narrow-minded, or just fucking stupid. OBL will be caught - dead or alive - eventually. He however, is a non-issue at this point. Zarqawi is the point-man coordinating the attacks in Iraq and thus is Man #1 to go after - but again even he isnt the point of the War On Terror. The point is to remove those tools and resources from terrorist organizations so that these countries that welcome them and where these recruits are coming from, have no choice but to resort to diplomacy to solve their grievances. For people as literal and willfully ignorant - like you MAD - this cannot be understood by you. To make the war about something more than the number of dead and OBL - means coming to an understanding that puts you in the uncomfortable position of seeing the neccesity of the United States actions. For morally-righteous-facists such as you, thats a cardinal sin.

As for the WIT beginning in Sep, 2001 - what rock where you living under? Weve been fighting terrorism for years - its just that THIS administration got serious about it; no firing rockets at asparin factories, or bombing Al Qaeda meetings after OBL has already left.

Now - if youdont have anything beyond the cliche bullshit you read off, kindly take your high-school whining elsewhere.
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